The best yoga flows for beginners

The best yoga flows for beginners

What’s the best yoga flows for beginners? A slow flow yoga is an ideal way for anyone (but especially beginners) to enjoy the physical benefits of yoga. Because you’re holding poses for longer, you’ll be able to build up your stamina and create a foundation for the rest of your yoga journey. Stretch out! We’ll show you 7 yoga flows that every man should try. Watch, relax, and flow with the flow

The Sun Salutation.

Mobilizes and stretches the entire body, trains the torso and shoulders

A. Stand upright with feet together. Bring hands together in front of your chest.

B. Inhale and simultaneously raise your arms to the sides over your head until your hands touch. Look upwards.

C.  Exhale. Bend forward so that your hands touch the floor. If necessary, bend your knees.

D.  Take a breath. Take a big step back with your right foot. Keep your balance with both hands and look straight ahead.

E.  Pull your left leg up and move your hips backwards and upwards. Make sure your back remains straight! The backs of your thighs and calves are under tension, your ears between your upper arms. If necessary, lift your heels slightly. Exhale.

F.  Bring your shoulders over your hands – push-up position. Inhale again in this position.

G.  Lower your knees, chest and chin to the floor in a controlled manner while exhaling. Your torso and lower legs remain in the air.

H.  Then inhale and simultaneously raise the upper body. Power does not come from the arms, but from the lower back. Keep the elbows close to the body. Bring the buttocks onto the heels, straighten the legs before returning to position E. Exhale and return to D, but here take the right leg forward. Take a breath, go to C and exhale. Inhale on the way to B and finish with A.

Mobilizes and stretches the entire body, trains the torso and shoulders

 Downward Dog with Upper Body Rotation

Makes thighs, torso and calves more flexible, stabilizes shoulders and stomach

A. All fours: wrists under shoulders, knees under hips. Straighten legs, push hips back and up until ears are between arms. Take 5 deep breaths. All fours: wrists under shoulders, knees under hips. Straighten legs, push hips back and up until ears are between arms. Take 5 deep breaths.

B. Bring your left hand to your right ankle, rotating your left shoulder while keeping your right arm stable. Hold the position for 5 breaths before returning to position A. Then do the same with your right hand.

Hip opening from the downward dog

makes thighs, hip flexors and calves more flexible, strengthens buttocks, torso and shoulders

A. Get into a stable four-legged position. Consciously spread your fingers. Your wrists should be under your shoulders, your knees under your hips. Stretch your legs, push your hips backwards and upwards. Hold this position calmly and in control for 3 breaths. It is important to keep your shoulders relaxed at all times!

B. Inhale and lift your straight right leg. Pull your toes towards your body. Your pelvis remains horizontal. Hold this position for 3 deep breaths.

C.  Bend the right leg.

D.  Open your pelvis by bringing your right leg over your left. Keep your arms straight and your shoulders stable. Remain in this position for another 3 breaths before returning to starting position A in a controlled manner via C and B. Then repeat the entire sequence the other way round.

Three-legged dog

Stretches the back of the body, strengthens thighs, shoulders and torso

A.  First, get into a quadruped position. Consciously spread your fingers. Your wrists are under your shoulders, your knees under your hips. Stretch your legs and push your hips backwards and upwards. Press your shoulders to the floor and relax your neck. Stay like this for 5 breaths.

B.  Lift your right leg straight up. Pull your toes towards your body. Important: Your pelvis remains horizontal! Stay in this position for another 5 deep breaths before returning to position A and repeating the process with the other leg.

The arc

makes the stomach, hip flexors, thighs and shoulders more flexible, challenges the buttocks, thighs and shoulders

Lie on your stomach. Grasp the instep of your left and right feet from the outside. Lift your chest and knees off the floor by increasing the tension between your hands and feet.
The majority of the power here comes from your legs. Consciously press your feet against the palms of your hands to straighten up your upper body as much as possible. Look straight ahead and relax your neck. Breathe in and out deeply 5 times, then return to lying on your stomach.

Triangle sequence – easy yoga sequence for beginners

Tightens thighs, abdomen and chest, strengthens shoulders, core, thighs and buttocks

A. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Take a big step forward with your right foot, turning your left foot slightly outwards. Then bend your right knee until your thigh is horizontal. Stretch your arms out to the sides, looking at your right hand. Breathe in and out 4 times.

B. Straighten your right leg again. Tilt your upper body to the left until your hand touches the floor. Keep your arms stretched out to the sides so that they form a vertical line. Take 4 deep breaths.

C.  Put weight on your left leg and lift your right leg straight off the floor. Bring your upper body and arms to a horizontal position towards your left foot. Take 4 breaths, then move into downward dog before repeating the sequence on the other side.

Warrior Combo – best yoga sequence for beginners

Makes chest, pelvis, abdomen, thighs and calves more flexible, strengthens shoulders, torso and thighs

A. All fours. Stretch your legs and push your hips backwards and upwards until your ears are between your arms. Take 3 deep breaths.

B. Take a breath, take a big step back with your right foot. Bend your right knee until your thigh is horizontal. Stand up straight. Raise your arms and form a pistol shape with your hands above your head. Then breathe out. Point your right foot in the direction you are looking, your left foot to the side. Hold the position for 3 breaths.

C.  Then breathe in and bend your upper body to the right until your outstretched left arm is horizontal above your head. Your right arm is bent, the elbow rests on your right knee. Then breathe in and out deeply 3 times.

D.  Straighten the right leg, bend the upper body even further to the right. Stretch the right arm until it forms a vertical line with the left. 3 breaths and return to A.

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