The best stretching exercise for building muscle

Off all stretching exercise for building muscle; Loaded stretching is not an ordinary stretching method – on the contrary, it is a special technique that not only loosens the muscles but can also support muscle building, similar to conventional strength training . The trick is that loaded stretching uses resistance to stimulate the muscles and promote strength development. This method is particularly of interest to bodybuilders . We will show you the benefits that loaded stretching can offer you.

What is loaded stretching?

Loaded stretching is an exciting way to increase your flexibility and improve your range of motion. It doesn’t just rely on standard stretches – instead, additional weights or resistance are added to make the stretch more intense.

This type of stretching is not only effective, but also varied. You can not only train with your own body weight , but also work with weights , train on special resistance machines or use resistance bands to get an extra kick. But be careful: safety comes first! A thorough warm-up and the right technique are crucial to avoid injuries and achieve the best results.

How good is loaded stretching?

Loaded stretching can be an exciting addition to your training program. Here are the highlights of the training method:

  1. Flexibility Booster: Imagine not only stretching your muscles but also adding resistance – this can take your flexibility to a whole new level!
  2. Muscle building: Some exercises in loaded stretching can not only stretch but also strengthen. A double hit for your muscles.
  3. Training fun: Loaded stretching brings variety to your routine. No more boring stretching – this is where weights, bands and resistance come into play.

One study suggests that weighted stretching between sets may be an effective strategy to slightly improve muscle thickness. Stretching between sets should be considered in training programs for promoting muscle development. The method also appears to slightly improve strength gains in the plantar flexors (flexion of the foot at the top of the ankle toward the sole of the foot), leading to better stability in the ankle joint. This was achieved without increasing the duration of the training sessions, making the method time efficient.

How does loaded stretching work?

Loaded stretching is fundamentally different from traditional stretching methods , which involve simply stretching the muscles. Loaded stretching offers a way to promote muscle building. Here, the muscle is not only stretched, but also strongly contracted in the final position while the stretch is held. It is important to emphasize that your own body weight is perfectly sufficient to perform this exercise. However, experienced athletes can increase the intensity by using additional weight. Loaded stretching is a solid method that takes your stretching routine to an effective and slightly more challenging level. Here are some common methods of loaded stretching:

  1. Weighted stretches: You perform traditional stretches while holding or carrying additional weight. For example, you might use a dumbbell while stretching in a lunge position.
  2. Resistance Band Stretch: Elastic bands are often used to create additional resistance. You could wrap a band around your legs and then go into the stretch sideways.
  3. Variable load machines: Some gyms have special machines that allow for loaded stretching. These machines often have adjustable weight stacks or other mechanisms to adjust the resistance.
  4. Isometric loaded stretching: This is a combination of isometric training (static holding of a position) and stretching. You stretch a muscle group in a certain position and at the same time hold against a resistance.


Loaded stretching should be done safely and in a controlled manner to avoid injury. Here are some general steps:

  • Warm-up: Start with an appropriate warm-up to prepare the muscles.
  • Correct technique: Make sure to use proper form and technique to avoid injury.
  • Progression: Increase the resistance and intensity gradually to get your body used to the strain.
  • Individual adjustment: Consider your personal fitness goals and current physical condition to adapt the loaded stretching to your needs.

The professionals recommend taking between 60 and 90 seconds to stretch, but for beginners in particular this can be a real challenge under your own body weight. Full tension in the final position can often only be maintained for around 45 seconds. So it’s important to stick with it and gradually increase the intensity.

What is the difference between stretching and stretching?

The terms “stretching” and “stretching” are often used interchangeably, as they refer to similar activities that involve stretching the muscles. In practice, there is no clear and consistent difference between the two terms, and they are often used interchangeably. Nevertheless, there are certain nuances that can arise in usage:

  1. Stretching :
    • The term “stretching” is often used more generally and can refer to any form of expansion of tissues, including muscles.
    • It can refer to both active and passive stretching, where muscles are stretched either by one’s own muscle power or by external influence.
    • “Stretching” can have a broader context that also includes stretching joints, tendons and ligaments.
  2. Stretching :
    • The term “stretching” is sometimes used more specifically to refer to the targeted stretching of muscles.
    • It is more commonly used in the context of fitness and training to refer to targeted stretching exercises or stretching exercises designed to improve flexibility and loosen muscles.
    • In some contexts, “stretching” is also used as a synonym for dynamic stretching or specific stretching exercises performed before or after exercise.

What effect does loaded stretching have on the body?

Loaded stretching can be a real boon to your body if you approach it with care and control. Check out what it can do:

  1. Flexibility: By specifically stretching the muscles beyond their normal range, loaded stretching increases flexibility. It is particularly useful when it comes to improving mobility in specific joints.
  2. More intense muscle stretching: The additional resistance during stretching gives the muscles an extra stretch. This in turn means improved muscle stretching, which can be beneficial for overall mobility and performance.
  3. Muscle strengthening as a side effect: Some loaded stretching exercises put double strain on your muscles. They not only have to be stretched, but also actively used. A nice side effect: strengthened muscles, especially useful for those who want to improve their posture and stability.
  4. Blood flow boost: The intense muscle stretches stimulate blood flow to the stretched areas. This could help to better supply your muscles with nutrients and speed up recovery .
  5. Relaxation for tense muscles: Loaded stretching can help reduce tension, especially in the muscle groups that are particularly stressed in daily combat.

The targeted tensing of the muscles in the maximally stretched position makes loaded stretching impressively effective for anyone who wants to strengthen their muscles. This is not only an interesting change from the usual strength training, but an additional secret weapon – and the best thing about it? Your own body weight is often enough as super resistance. In the long term, stretching becomes a power-up for your muscles, it makes them stronger, improves mobility and gives the joints, tendons and ligaments an extra portion of muscle.

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