The 9 best tools for post-workout recovery.

The 9 best tools for post-workout recovery. Anyone who does a solid workout also needs effective recovery. Because you only get stronger during the rest phase.

Here are the 9 best tools to improve your regeneration

Muscles grow during breaks. That’s not just a saying, it’s really true. But regeneration after training is also important for many other processes in the body – and at the end of the day it helps you perform better. If you give yourself enough rest after intensive exercise, you can recharge your batteries and put even more power into your workout during the next session. This will make you fitter, stronger and increase your muscle growth. With a few clever tools, you can actively influence your recovery and revive tired muscles more quickly.

Let’s try a crazy comparison: Imagine yeast dough for a pizza. You have to knead it well before baking, then it should rest. Only in this phase can the yeast cultures in the dough do their work and make the dough rise. The same applies to the body’s own “helpers” that try with all their might to repair the microscopic injuries in the muscles after training, remove waste products and build up new mass. If you were to train non-stop, these building processes would not be able to run smoothly.  This is how to get strong arms without weights or equipment

Train hard, recover smart: accelerate regeneration?

It’s possible! First of all, however, it’s important that you don’t get impatient if you have to keep it down for 48 to 72 hours. Always remember that you’ll get better in this phase – and that your body needs rest to stay productive. After all, without regular sleep, you wouldn’t be able to go to training or work in the long term. But recovery doesn’t mean lying lazily on the couch and doing nothing – although that’s okay sometimes. You can actively support your body in the regeneration process. To compare it again with yeast dough: by not just letting it rise, but also putting it in a warm place, the little helpers in it can work better.

What are the best tools for regeneration?

Admittedly, massages are a great way to support regeneration. But who has the time or the money to treat themselves to this luxury several times a week? And massages are not the ultimate solution. Even professional athletes (or especially them!) also work with special regeneration tools. It is also very practical if you can relax in your own living room and don’t have to drive to a wellness temple. By the way, the devices not only help after exercise, but can also relax you after a stressful day at the office. Our top 9 tools for muscle regeneration:

Regeneration tool #1: the Fascia Roll – Post-workout recovery tool.

Everyone knows it, but not everyone uses it. But the hard foam roller can do so much! For example, it can provide relaxation, relieve pain and prevent injuries. It loosens adhesions in the fascia – the tissue that covers every muscle in your body – keeps it supple and stimulates blood circulation. This is supposed to shorten the regeneration time.

There is the classic roller , but depending on your needs there are also different degrees of hardness, with different surfaces (smooth or nubby), in many colors, materials and price categories. There are also vibrating fascia rollers that allow for a more intensive massage.

Regeneration tool #2: the Muscle Gun

Are your neck, bottom or biceps tense? Then get out the gun! Don’t worry, this tool doesn’t put an end to your muscle quickly, but rather to the pain. And a muscle gun gets your muscles fit again even faster. With thousands of mini-strokes per minute, the powerful devices can relieve tension, loosen muscle stiffness and stimulate circulation. Super effective for difficult cases!

You can choose from different massage attachments and different speed levels depending on your needs. Some devices can even be controlled via an app and have predefined programs for perfect relaxation. The Theragun from Therabody also has a triangular handle design so that you can easily reach every part of your body. Extra relaxed: No use of body weight is necessary here.

Recovery Tool #3: Recovery Boots

After a strenuous leg day, your legs can feel like concrete pillars. Recovery boots make the tired little sticks fit again. At first glance, they look like the legs of a space suit: Reboots work with air pressure. Light pressure is equivalent to lymphatic drainage, while higher pressure also reaches deeper layers of tissue. In the lower legs, the pressure stimulates the deep venous and lymphatic system, among other things.

The increase in pressure causes blood to move towards the middle of the body. During longer treatments, the pressure also flushes out fluids and other metabolic products, such as lactic acid from the muscle cells, and transports them towards the liver or kidneys, where they are then excreted. The recovery boots each consist of 8 overlapping air chambers. These generate either a sweeping or a sliding compression wave.

Recovery Tool #4: Lacrosse Ball

Ever heard of trigger points? These are small muscle cramps that occur when muscle fibers are overloaded. What’s particularly nasty is that the points can radiate pain to areas of the body that have nothing to do with the location of the trigger point. With a lacrosse ball made of hard rubber, you can work on the nasty pain points and relieve the cramps in the muscle. Because you’re using your own body weight, you can determine the pressure yourself.

You can use the multi-tool while sitting or lying down to massage the backs of your legs or bottom, for example. It is also great for standing up, for example to roll out your feet, or against a wall to work on your chest or back. A lacrosse ball is uncomplicated and inexpensive too.

Regeneration tool #5: Electrical Stimulation

Electric shocks for regeneration? Doesn’t sound very relaxing, but it can give tired muscles new energy – especially if you prefer to train every day. Electrostimulation devices , such as those from the pioneer Compex, reproduce the body’s own impulses, which are transmitted via the skin to the nerve or muscle fibers using electrodes. This provides electrical stimulation for muscle building.

You can attach the electrodes to many parts of your body. The electrical stimuli are harmless. The impulses sent to the tissue relax the muscles, stimulate blood circulation and thus shorten your recovery time. And: The device is not only designed to relax you, but also to strengthen your muscles.

Regeneration tool #6: Muscle scraper

Muscle scrapers are based on the principle of the Chinese massage technique “Gua Sha”. By scraping over the skin, underlying (even stubborn) adhesions in the tissue are loosened and blood circulation is promoted. Before the massage, a lubricant or oil is applied to the skin. You can determine the pressure yourself as needed.

In contrast to fascia rollers, the scrapers not only exert compression on the tissue, they also create stretching and shear forces that affect the skin and the underlying tissue. At the same time, by applying even pressure and slowly pulling the tool over the skin towards the heart, you ensure that tissue fluid is transported away via the lymphatic system. With professional equipment, you can reach almost every tired muscle in your body. The specially shaped edges of the RockBlades 2.0 made of surgical stainless steel adapt to individual parts of the body.

Recovery Tool #7: Triggerdinger – Best Muscle Recovery Products

They look a bit like erotic toys – and they are just as much fun when they relieve you of pain. With the trigger things you can specifically release muscular tension and myofascial trigger points. The pressure stimulates blood circulation and thus the oxygen supply to the affected muscles. The shortened muscle fibers and fascia relax and inflammatory substances can be removed. Acute and chronic pain as well as movement restrictions should disappear or not even arise in the first place.

Regeneration tool #8: Regeneration pillow

On average, athletes need more sleep to regenerate than non-athletes. During the nightly rest phase, growth hormones are released, which promote muscle growth and increase bone density. Mental processes also take place during sleep: your brain repeats and stores training content and movement patterns. Never sleep badly again: this is how you prevent sleep disorders.

Poor sleep is not beneficial when your body needs to regenerate. The Recovery Pillow from Blackroll has an ergonomic curve that relieves pressure on the head and neck spine and thus prevents tension.

Recovery Tool #9: Recovery Sandals

Your feet have to work hard during training and deserve to relax afterwards. But because you can’t keep them up all the time, there is another solution: regeneration sandals . The special foam in the shoe absorbs 37 percent more impact energy than other shoes, reducing the strain on your feet, knees and back – which in turn ensures that your body can recover better.

Conclusion: Get your regeneration going!

Do you want to train effectively? Then you shouldn’t underestimate regeneration. With smart recovery tools, you can shorten your regeneration time, get even more out of the recovery phase, and get rid of annoying tension and pain. Even if you’re just looking for relaxation, you’re sure to find the right tool for your needs.

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