7 tips for the perfect body transformation

how to transform myself physically

7 tips for the perfect body transformation. You’re pumping, but your reflection in the mirror doesn’t show any muscle growth? Fitness trainer Nico reveals his 7 best tips for guaranteed body transformation.

“Oh, you train too? You can’t even tell!” I usually laugh at comments like that. But back then it hit me. After all, I was struggling in the gym several times a week. The visual effect: poor. No body transformation in sight.

Hard training and a conscious diet should actually leave clearer marks. You know what I mean? Don’t worry, because these young jokes gave me a lot of motivation. So I spent the last six years soaking up every piece of information I could find on building muscle and burning fat, and as a fitness trainer and nutritionist I got a number of amateur athletes into the best shape of their lives. Of course, I also optimized and transformed my own body in the process. Today, instead of stupid jokes, I only get compliments. I want to get you there too – with 7 tuning tips that will turn your previous assumptions about training and nutrition on their head.

Body Transformation Tip 1: Shorten Training Time

You train for around 90 minutes? Respect for your motivation! However, you should drink the post-workout shake after 60 minutes of hard training at the latest. The reason: Over the course of the session, the testosterone level drops, while the cortisol release continuously increases. After about an hour, the cortisol level dominates, in other words: your body is under massive stress. If you do heavy work in this situation, you quickly end up in a catabolic (tissue-degrading) state. It couldn’t be more counterproductive. Your immune system also suffers from the constant strain if you train hard and for long periods of time.

So, take the 60-minute limit seriously! If you still have the energy for an additional set after an hour of strength training, you are training with too little intensity anyway. The most typical reasons for this are: too little weight, too long breaks, too few sets, too fast a pace of movement or simply too much distraction from your cell phone or gym buddies.

Body transformation tip 2: the perfect repetition rhythm

Of course, the number of repetitions is important. Just like the number of sets completed. But your training plan only really comes together with an additional unit: the load time. The so-called time under tension (TUT) shows how long you need for a set. Every repetition is divided into two phases: 1. The concentric phase, in which you overcome the resistance. In most exercises, such as bicep curls, this is the upward movement. 2. The eccentric phase, in which you give in to the resistance. In most cases, including curls, this is the downward movement.

Using a calculation example, you can see what a change in the load time means: 4 seconds of eccentric and 1 second of concentric load result in 5 seconds per repetition. Only with this information can you determine how long a set lasts in total. Ten five-second repetitions multiply to a TUT of 50 seconds. If you reduce the eccentric movement to 2 seconds, in our example you get a much lower TUT of 30 seconds. What can you learn from this?

Firstly, every good training plan should take the TUT into account. If this information is missing, it’s like just before a last-minute holiday: you know you’re about to leave, but you don’t know where you’re going. Secondly, you should take the TUT seriously, stick to it exactly and vary it regularly. In extreme cases, an eccentric movement can take up to 10 seconds. That hurts, but it’s pretty good for your gains.

Body transformation tip 3: the right training plan structure

Training should be fun. Variation is also crucial for training success. But that doesn’t mean that you can freestyle in every workout like Samy Deluxe. As tempting as it may be to randomly mix exercises in every session, it’s better to leave that to the Crossfit fans . After all, you’re training for a visual goal – body transformation – and not to be the first to finish.

You will only get the maximum out of muscle building and fat burning if you stick to a detailed plan for at least four weeks. Only then should you consciously use other methods and exercises and specifically redefine the number of sets, repetitions and rest periods. Also adjust your goals monthly. I have had the best experiences when I have adjusted my athletes’ plans each month to either muscle building or maximum strength . Of course, individual plans can also include a best-of of both goals. Just look at the impressive power builders.

Body transformation tip 4: the ideal muscle building diet

Low carb all day? No way! Anyone who thinks like that is wasting valuable muscle-building potential. Carbohydrates are an essential part of sports nutrition, but ideally at the right time. Carb time number 1: within 60 minutes after the workout. In this phase, carbohydrates boost protein synthesis. Ideally, your post-workout meal should consist of three equal elements. Element number one is the carbohydrates already mentioned, for example in the form of baked sweet potatoes or rice. The second is a source of protein, for example eggs, chicken, beef, shrimp or chickpeas. The third element provides you with important micronutrients in the form of low-starch vegetables such as peppers, zucchini or eggplant.

The other time when carbohydrates are worthwhile is in the evening. Yes, you read that right: if you have the choice of eating your fruit in the morning or in the evening, you should always eat it in the evening. If you eat a sweet breakfast, you program your brain for a reward first thing in the morning. But for what? If you snack on a mango in the evening, you can use the subsequent blood sugar crash to fall asleep. The results of a restful night are ideal regeneration and full power for the next workout. Incidentally, these are the best foods for building muscle .

Body Transformation Tip 5: Guarantee Regeneration

Speaking of sleep: You should think about this at midday when you drink your last coffee. Even if you only feel the caffeine kick for a short time, your body needs up to eight hours to break down the stimulus. So if you turn off the lights at 11 p.m., you should sip your last sip of coffee by 3 p.m. at the latest. The same applies to green or black tea, of course. In total, you should treat yourself to a maximum of three cups of coffee or tea. Thank you and best wishes, your regeneration.

Body transformation tip 6: the right nutritional supplements

Hardly any other industry is built on myths and bro-science as much as the nutritional supplements industry. The problem: every YouTuber with more than 1,000 subscribers can earn a few extra bucks by recommending supplements from certain brands in their videos. The result: an impenetrable jungle of products and misguided amateur athletes. I’ll make it a little easier for you and tell you the 5 nutritional supplements that, according to various studies, every athlete should have in their kitchen cupboard.

  1. Whey protein for muscle building: dose the product so that 30 grams of protein end up in the shaker: mix with water directly after the workout.
  2. Creatine for more strength: A study shows that a creatine dose of 2 to 5 grams a day, simply dissolved in water or in a shake, can significantly increase the performance of athletes. This means that creatine is also beneficial for you to get through your workouts better.
  3. Magnesium for relaxation: Although magnesium can be absorbed very well through food, as an athlete with an increased need you can take a magnesium capsule with a concentration of 300 to 400 mg before going to sleep to support your muscle regeneration and counteract cramps. As a study shows, magnesium supplements can have a positive effect on recovery.
  4. Omega-3 fatty acids for heart and brain function: Take 2 to 4 grams of fish oil or algae oil daily in the morning or at lunchtime before eating. According to studies such as this one , Omega 3 not only protects the heart health of athletes, but is also important for anyone who does not eat fatty sea fish twice a week and can hardly cover the recommended 250 milligrams per day.
  5. Vitamin D for the immune system: Vitamin D supplements are essential for vitamin D deficiency. The Robert Koch Institute points out that excessive vitamin D intake via supplements can lead to acute or gradual poisoning. That’s why you should have your doctor determine your specific vitamin D requirements once a year using blood tests.

You don’t need more than these top 5 supplements (for now). But if you want to find out more: These are How to tell if you are suffering from iron deficiency.

Body Transformation Tip 7: Get enough sleep

If you’ve read the six tips so far, you might already have guessed: restful sleep is the key to success. A perfect night not only allows you to regenerate fundamentally, it also boosts your immune system and motivation level. If these three factors are right, you’ll get into a positive cycle: you’ll go into training completely rested and strengthened. Give it your all when you train, and sleep better. That’s brilliant, isn’t it? So always make sure you get a restful sleep. The most important trick to improve so-called sleep hygiene: turn off all electronic devices at least an hour before going to bed. Their blue light inhibits the release of the sleep hormone melatonin. Ten minutes of full-body stretching is also beneficial. Hold each stretch for at least a minute. Done? Then nothing stands in the way of your body transformation!

Want more insider knowledge? Our fitness trainer Nico Dean has written a book on the subject of biohacking : In it, he presents 22 ways to become a new you and shows you how to feel better, sleep better, relax and eat better.

For now, you know what you have to do to optimize some of the aspects of your training and recovery: train with a plan and ensure regular updates, do not train for longer than an hour, do the exercises more slowly, eat enough good carbs, sleep well and see which nutritional supplements might be useful for your body.

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