How to increase your performance with biohacking.

How to increase your performance with biohacking. Biohacking promises performance improvement and self-optimization. We explain the trend and how you can become a biohacker yourself.

In today’s fast-paced world, more and more people are striving to get the best out of themselves. The term ‘biohacking’ has established itself as a promising method of increasing one’s own physical and mental performance. But what exactly is behind this trend and how can it be meaningfully integrated into everyday life?

What is biohacking?

Biohacking is the process of analyzing, understanding and specifically optimizing your own biological system. It’s about reducing stress, improving well-being and increasing physical performance. The famous biohacker Dave Asprey has shaped this trend and shows that an optimized lifestyle can spur the body and mind to peak performance. Biohackers do not necessarily base their work on studies, but rather experiment with their bodies themselves and see how certain stimuli affect their well-being. Get started with The best stretching exercise for building muscle

The three pillars of biohacking

To realize the full potential of biohacking, beginners should focus on three basic areas: nutrition, mind and body.

1. Nutrition – increase your performance with biohacking

Nutrition is our body’s fuel. Biohackers place great value on high-quality food and often prefer diets such as the ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting or low-carb diets. Healthy fats, lots of vegetables and sufficient fluid intake are particularly important. Nutritional supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D3 & K2 and nootropics also support health.

Our colleague and personal coach Nico Airone is also a convinced biohacker and is always trying out new trends for self-optimization. In his book “22 Ways to Be Your Best Self” he gives numerous methods to positively influence your own lifestyle: “As a biohacker, I recommend having a blood test at the doctor to determine how well you are supplied with vitamins, minerals, etc. Suboptimal values can then be specifically improved with nutritional supplements or infusions. With supplements, a high bioavailability of the nutrients is crucial. LipoVibes has further developed the liposomal transport technology and thus brings a larger amount of the nutrient into the cells.”

2. Spirit

Stress reduction and mental clarity are central aspects of biohacking. Methods such as meditation, breathing exercises and journaling help you to relieve your mind and increase your self-awareness. A regular meditation practice can also significantly increase your satisfaction and general well-being.

3. Body

Physical activity is essential. Intensive training sessions, weight training and HIIT training are particularly effective. Ice baths are also becoming increasingly popular. It strengthens the immune system, promotes regeneration and can act as a natural anti-inflammatory. A cold shower in the morning is not only a wake-up call, it also supports fat burning and strengthens the blood vessels.

Five biohacks for beginners

1. Sleep optimization – biohacking superhuman performance

Healthy sleep is essential. Set bedtimes, a dark sleeping environment and the use of sleep masks can improve sleep quality. Melatonin sprays such as those from LipoVibes can also support sleep health.

2. Movement

Regular exercise is the key to more energy and performance. Combine strength training with endurance exercises and find a morning routine that lets you start the day full of energy. Incidentally, strength training also promotes healthy sleep.

3. Bulletproof Coffee

A popular drink among biohackers is Bulletproof Coffee. It is made from freshly brewed, high-quality organic coffee , unsalted butter, and C8 MCT oil . This drink is said to provide long-lasting energy and promotes mental clarity. But try it out for yourself to see if this hack is for you. Because while Bulletproof Coffee may offer some potential benefits, the scientific evidence for many of the claimed benefits is limited. The high saturated fat and calorie content makes it important to consider consumption in the context of an overall balanced diet. If you are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease or are sensitive to saturated fat, it might be wise to consider other methods of increasing energy and performance.

4. Ice bathing and sauna

The combination of cold and heat therapy can work wonders. Ice baths and saunas can promote regeneration. However, it is important to allow enough time between the two treatments so as not to overtax the body.

5. Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting, especially the 16:8 method, can help you lose weight and improve your health. During the fasting period, the body has the opportunity to regenerate.

How biohacker Max Gotzler optimizes his life

In an interview with our editor-in-chief Arndt Ziegler, the experienced biohacker Max Gotzler revealed how much the trend can make everyday life easier and increase performance – and what drastic measures a real biohacker is prepared to take:

Everyone is talking about biohacking. What exactly is it?

“Basically, the answer is obvious, or rather, it’s already in the name: I see it as a tool to understand one’s life – bio – and to decode things – hacking,” says Gotzler.

You hack yourself? You have to explain that in more detail.

“Hacking means physical and mental optimization on a biochemical level. The goal is to decode your body and adapt it to your individual needs. Everyone should ask themselves: What do I want to achieve, which screw can I turn to optimize myself. These can be different goals, such as better sleep, less stress, healthier living.”

Sounds like every problem can be solved with biohacking.

“Wait, I didn’t say that! Of course, biohacking is not the answer to all problems, but it provides many solutions and ideas for self-optimization – like a box with different tools from which everyone can choose the right one.”

In which areas of life is biohacking applicable?

“I have divided my biohacking insights into six areas that flow together and affect mental and physical well-being. These areas of life are nutrition, exercise, recovery, balance, focus and environment. While you can expect the first three…”

… balance, focus and environment need to be explained.

“Balance is about methods to specifically reduce stress, relieve the mind, and become more relaxed. On the subject of focus: The human brain has the annoying habit of putting things off and wasting a lot of energy on decisions about what is important and what is not. Biohacking tips on focus therefore aim to help you use your time sensibly and productively in order to create as much free time as possible for the beautiful things in life.”

There remains the environment.

“Biohackers study the influence of artificial light and temperature on our biological structure – and provide tips on how to effectively counteract these often damaging influences.”

What biohacks do you use on yourself?

“If I were to list them all now, it would go beyond the scope of this interview. But for me, breathing consciously is one of the most effective tools in the biohacking toolbox that everyone has; ideally in combination with cold – my tip: ice baths, high-quality nutrition and enough sleep. What I also find appealing about biohacking is that I can always try out new, sometimes crazy things.”

Conclusion: Opportunities and limitations of biohacking

Biohacking offers numerous benefits, including increased energy, improved performance and a greater sense of well-being. However, there are limitations. Not every biohacker has the necessary medical background to fully understand the complex processes in the body. It is important to always remain vigilant and seek professional support when needed.

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