What are the benefits of yoga for men?

Why yoga is so effective for men

Yoga benefits for men? With yoga exercises you improve flexibility, strength, coordination — and reduce stress. We have the most important tips for you and what you need to consider as a beginner

Do you know what the secret recipe of many professional athletes is? Yoga. Even the former national coach Jogi Löw swore by it. Before winning the World Cup in Brazil, he integrated yoga into his training program. And stars like Mario Götze, Tiger Woods, David Beckham and Dirk Nowitzki also do yoga regularly.

Yoga is not a women’s sport

Why do hardly any men in this country make a trip to the yoga studio around the corner? “The stereotypical image of the graceful yoga ascetic in particular puts many men off,” explains Oliver Tan, a yoga teacher from Hamburg. But the horror scenario usually has little to do with reality. It is due to the cliché that women are actually allowed to use the studios for themselves. According to a study by the professional association of yoga teachers in Germany, 9 times more women than men practice yoga in 2018. In fact, yoga was once a purely male sport: “Originally, yoga was a purely male domain – in ancient India, women were forbidden to practice it,” explains Tan. It would also be a shame if we didn’t follow the example of girls, because we can get at least as much out of it as they can, if not more. “The potential for progress is enormous. You just have to exploit it,” says the yoga teacher.

What is yoga good for? – Yoga benefits for men:

You can not only improve your body awareness and your ability to move: “Various studies have shown that yoga can also lower blood pressure and slow the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline,” reveals yoga teacher Dr. Patrick Broome from Munich. The Indian teaching is suitable as a balance and supplement to a wide variety of endurance and strength sports and, if you train regularly, can significantly improve your performance.

What are the prerequisites for yoga?

“In general, there are no specific requirements to be met,” says the expert. Thanks to the large number of yoga courses, you can easily choose the method that best suits your personal goals and fitness level. A tip: If you are physically limited due to an injury, you should discuss with your doctor which training is suitable.

What do you have to pay attention to as a beginner in yoga?

Yoga is not a competitive sport. “Performance and competitive thinking have no place here,” says Broome. It’s about bringing body and mind into harmony step by step and relaxing effectively. It doesn’t matter whether you achieve this state with a complicated headstand or with simple breathing exercises. Very important: you should feel comfortable when doing yoga. To learn how to perform the asanas correctly, it is advisable to take a course or book a trainer. If you know how to do it, you can also train alone in the privacy of your own room. These tools are a must for your yoga session at home: a yoga mat , a yoga block , a meditation cushion and comfortable yoga clothing . Check out these 8 exercises for a broad chest and strong shoulders

What types of yoga are there?

The most well-known form of yoga is Hatha Yoga . It primarily trains your flexibility . Hatha Yoga includes a total of 26 positions (asanas), which are combined with meditation and breathing exercises (pranayama). Kundalini Yoga, on the other hand, is primarily characterized by very dynamic movements and proves why yoga can be quite strenuous. Bikram Yoga , a further development of Hatha Yoga, will definitely make you sweat. The 26 asanas are performed at 35-40 degrees and demand a lot from the yogis. Power Yoga is similarly effective . It is one of the very body-focused types of yoga and not only stretches the tendons and joints, but also supports muscle building .

Guide to the course cosmos: Find your yoga style

Hatha? Ashtanga? Sounds like the menu at an Indian restaurant. We explain what lies behind the 10 most important yoga styles for men:

  1. Hatha Yoga: “Hatha” stands for “sun” and “moon”. As the epitome of physical yoga, Hatha distinguishes itself from spiritual forms. Harmony and balance are to be achieved through (breathing) exercises and meditation. The sequences are controlled and rarely sweaty, which is why Hatha Yoga is the ideal form for beginners and the undecided.
  2. Ashtanga yoga should not be underestimated. The 6 set sequences outshine almost every bodyweight workout in terms of flexibility and strength – that’s what makes this style so special. This form of yoga should definitely be taught by a competent teacher to avoid injuries.
  3. Power yoga is the modern US version of Ashtanga yoga. The difference is that the sequences do not follow a fixed order; they are based on the focus and level of the participants. And where does the “power” come from? From the challenging exercises that are combined with conscious breathing techniques.
  4. Bikram yoga: 38 degrees, 26 exercises, each with 2 repetitions: Does that make you sweat just reading this? Then you should leave the sporty sauna version to someone else. Can you handle the heat well? Then this intense physical experience could become a permanent fixture for you.
  5. Vinyasa Flow , as the name suggests, is based on flowing, dynamic transitions between positions. Spiritual rituals take a back seat. Perfect variant for athletes who want to use yoga as a supplementary training.
  6. Jivamukti yoga comes from New York City. The teachers play music in the style of the metropolis to support the movement. However, this style also contains spiritual elements. Mantra chants are an integral part, as is a vegan diet. It is important to have fluid movements. It is similar to Vinyasa Flow.
  7. Sivananda yoga can seem rather disturbing or daunting, especially for yoga beginners. The teachers, usually dressed in yellow shirts and white pants, begin the class with mantra recitations. After a few breathing exercises, the class moves on to a headstand. A style for experienced practitioners without fear of spirituality.
  8. Iyengar yoga is also jokingly referred to as furniture yoga: teachers use various aids such as belts, blocks and cushions to put the participants in precisely prescribed positions. The detailed technical instructions take time, so the practice is not very dynamic.
  9. Kundalini yoga is often practiced on wool mats. To protect themselves from disruptive energies, true Kundalini yogis wear a turban, which also completes the completely white appearance. The goal of enlightenment is to be achieved through long meditations, chakra cleansing and mantra chanting. The movements take some getting used to, but are physically demanding.
  10. Acro yoga is practiced while flying. No, not in a jet, but on the arms and legs of another yogi lying on the ground. This puts you in different positions that either provide relaxation or acrobatics. There is always a third person standing next to you for safety. The focus of this very new form of yoga is community and trust.

Would you prefer relaxation or an intensive workout? This graphic shows you at a glance where the focus of each type of yoga lies.

Become more flexible: How to stretch your muscles with yoga

In most yoga positions, entire muscle groups are stretched. This is why they are superior to most classic stretching exercises . There is hardly a more effective method of doing something for flexibility. Each position is held for several deep breaths, so the muscles are stretched three-dimensionally for a longer period of time. “With each exhalation, you can gradually intensify the stretch. It is strenuous, but also highly effective,” says Coach Tan.

But what do you get out of improved mobility? In any case, you are making provision for your old age. That is why many health insurance companies contribute to the costs of yoga courses. Because, regardless of whether you work in an office or on a building site, professional activities usually place one-sided strain on the body. As a result, the muscles shorten and sooner or later you lose mobility. On the other hand, those who practice yoga regularly make the most of the greatest possible range of motion and can even extend it.

Strength athletes also benefit – thanks to greater flexibility, they get more out of each repetition. For example, a deep squat uses significantly more muscle fibers than one that ends at a 90-degree angle in the knee joints. If you can’t get all the way down, you should definitely take a trip to a yoga studio. “Don’t worry if you’re not as flexible as the trainer after a few hours,” says Tan. The teacher has been doing this for a while longer than you. Try to use your personal stretching ability step by step. Patience pays off.

How to use yoga as strength training

You think yoga isn’t strenuous? Then you’ve probably never done Vinyasa Flow or Power Yoga. But these aren’t the only variations that make you sweat. One reason: “They work in muscle chains. Unlike bodybuilding, there is no isolated movement of individual muscles. Instead, it’s about their interaction – the so-called intermuscular coordination ,” says Coach Tan. Today’s functional training aims to achieve the same effects as the yoga practice that is more than 2000 years old. Intramuscular coordination gets us to the ball faster in squash, for example, or into the penalty area faster in soccer. Tan: “Many asanas also form intensive isometric training , in which the muscles have to stabilize the body in positions that are unfamiliar to it.” You may know this from the forearm plank. So you also gain more strength in the whole body, especially in the middle of the body. Here we show you why meditation makes you a better athlete. 

How to improve your body control with yoga

You probably know the feeling when you forget everything around you while exercising. Everyday life suddenly seems to be taking place in another galaxy. The reason: you focus all your attention on a single activity. Yoga intensifies this effect. Tan: “You learn to harmonize breathing and movement. The hustle and bustle of everyday life, we often completely lose the feeling for our breathing.” In classic yoga, they even go so far as to say that the posture should enable breathing, not the other way around. In India, 90-minute breathing exercises are therefore completely normal.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to do 90-minute sessions to benefit. Think of your breath as a thread that connects the individual postures. Many people who attend a yoga class for the first time find it relaxing to simply focus on their breathing. Others have trouble getting involved. But it’s doubly worth it because calm, slow breathing movements increase the decelerating effect. This way you can let go and hand over responsibility to the teacher as soon as you enter the studio. This way you can also simply relax in everyday life .

The slowing effect of yoga also ensures that you can relax in Shavasana. This is the meditative end of the class, the grand finale, where you lie on your back and do nothing for a few minutes. “In fact, traditionally the main purpose of the asanas is to prepare the yogi for relaxation at the end,” says trainer Tan. We cannot predict whether you will experience a trance-like state and gently fall asleep. Enlightenment is not guaranteed either. What is certain, however, is that you will leave the studio with a different feeling.

Which yoga exercises are best for men?

“Exercises that stretch the entire leg muscles are particularly effective,” explains expert Dr. Patrick Broome, who has already trained the German national football team. Calves, thighs and lower legs are often neglected in this regard. Positions that stretch and strengthen the lower back and chest muscles are also beneficial. Strength athletes in particular can benefit from better posture and more flexibility. Here we show you the best yoga flows for beginners .

A short introduction to yoga

Life energy: Real life energy is not found in carbohydrate bars, but in ourselves. The Indians know this in particular and call this life energy Prana. In China, where it is called Chi, people have also been consciously dealing with it for centuries and achieving incredible feats.

Training your breathing: One way to channel your life energy into the desired direction is yoga. “Many top athletes incorporate it into their training, but don’t like to talk about it,” says Bernd Bachmeier from the Braunschweig Yoga School. “They are often embarrassed because yoga is equated with spirituality and esotericism.” But yoga is a good alternative training for all endurance athletes.

The main focus is on training breathing in specific body positions. And this has physiological benefits: a recently published study by the American Ball State University in Indiana has shown that just doing yoga twice a week increases functional breathing volume and endurance.

That’s why you should definitely try the following three yoga exercises (without prejudice).

  1. The exercise begins standing (arms stretched out to the sides). As you breathe in, fold your arms above your head, and as you breathe out, tilt them forward. Relax there, hold your breath for four seconds, then stand up again.
  2. Get into a push-up position, stretch your arms, let your hips sink – breathe out. Hold this position briefly. Then raise your pelvis until a right angle is formed between your upper and lower body. Always pay attention to your breathing.
  3. From a quadrupedal position (knees on the floor), go into a push-up position. Hold for two seconds, then lower yourself and breathe once.

Where can I find a good yoga teacher or yoga class?

You want to start but don’t know how or where? Ideally, you have someone who can give you a good tip – you can get honest recommendations through word of mouth. But you can also quickly find what you’re looking for on the Internet. In most big cities, there are many studios with different yoga approaches. Using the table we showed you above, you can decide in advance which type of yoga you would like to learn. Beginners traditionally start with Hatha yoga. Don’t be afraid to go to a studio for a trial lesson – you’ll be amazed at how many men train on the mat there. The most important thing when choosing a studio: you have to feel comfortable. While one person likes candlelight and esoteric music, another likes a clean atmosphere. If you don’t like the studio, don’t give up straight away, give another studio another chance.

You can recognize a good trainer by his/her qualifications.

He/she can demonstrate many years of in-depth training. He/she has mastered physical and breathing exercises in yoga, meditation, and psychological and medical basics. In addition, such a trainer has usually learned from an experienced yoga master. Even after his/her training, a good trainer voluntarily undertakes further training at regular intervals.

Membership in a professional association can be a good indication of quality. But as with choosing a studio, personal preferences also count. The chemistry between the trainer and you has to be right. He/she treats you with respect at all times and would never force you into poses or force wisdom on you. On the contrary: He/she motivates you to believe in yourself.


As you can see, you benefit from yoga in many ways. Regular training can compensate for muscular weaknesses and improve your performance. The asanas promote your flexibility, strength and mobility. By focusing on the moment, you not only achieve a precise targeting of each muscle, but also deep relaxation in the subsequent rest phase – the best start to regeneration. Yoga strengthens you mentally and physically for the difficulties in everyday life and at work. That’s why more and more men are appreciating the recipe for success of many professional athletes.

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