Simple 7 Exercises to Do Everyday to Stay Fit. Whether you’re a sports junkie or a lazy person, no one should miss out on a daily exercise session. Because, with the right choice of exercises, regular exercise is anything but dangerous. It’s actually really healthy. The side effects are limited to a good mood and a feeling of “everything is fine.” And let’s be honest: We all need such side effects in our everyday lives.
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How Much and Why Do you Exercise Every Day?
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults up to 64 years of age get at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise, or an appropriate combination of both per week. For more health benefits, the organization recommends getting twice as much exercise each week. Important muscle groups should be trained at least 2 days per week.
Physical activity reduces the risk of disease, and regular exercise helps keep the body healthy. Physically active people improve their fitness, bone, and functional health and are less likely to suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes, diabetes, cancer, and depression. You have a lower risk of falling and are less likely to suffer hip or vertebral fractures. Last but not least, they are also more able to maintain their weight. Therefore, according to the WHO, all physically healthy people should exercise.
Can I train every day?
Yes, you just have to pay attention to how you train. Why should you exercise every day? Because you like to go through the day without back pain . Because you like to train effectively. There are enough good reasons for a daily dose. However, one thing must be clear to you: in this daily business, exercise selection and intensity are important.
The qualified sports scientist and personal trainer Markus Bremen from Cologne has put together a perfect mix of 7 exercises for you. This combination makes you fitter every day and can be done anywhere. After all, you don’t need any equipment or a towel to dry off your sweat – hand on it!
Aren’t daily workouts harmful and lead to overtraining?
Yes and no. Of course, hard strength units and high-intensity interval workouts require several days of regeneration. Even if you work in a split , one day a week should be dedicated to relaxation. However, a good daily workout doesn’t require a rest day. “The movements I selected exert only minimal pressure on sensitive structures and involve very little potential for injury,” says Bremen.
But you can’t do more than stretch every day, right?
But! In addition to a fascia massage, the program includes mobility moves and strength exercises. “All of them together counteract the risks of our modern lifestyle, which mainly takes place in a sitting position,” says the strength and conditioning coach. On top of that, the 7 exercises clear the way for better performance in strength and endurance training. Like that? Quite simply: they ensure good posture. This allows you to perform cleaner movements during training, which increases the effect and minimizes the risk of injury.
Important: Please do not expect to build muscle or lose weight with the daily exercise ration alone. Only more intense workouts are suitable for these goals – after which you would have to recover for at least 24 hours. But that doesn’t mean that you should skip daily exercises on recovery days. They always work! Our tip: You can easily do this 3-minute bodyweight workout every day.
When is the best time for a daily workout?
Always. Seriously, you could do the exercises whenever it suits you. Bremen only recommends carrying out the fascia massage of the sole of the foot in the morning if possible. The warmth of the bed caused the fascia to contract overnight and become stuck together. You will therefore feel the improved flexibility best as a result of the massage in the morning. The necessary fascia ball or tennis ball fits in every pocket.
Alternatively, you could also use a filled PET bottle. All movements are possible in the office, hotel, park or at home because you don’t need any aids or sports clothing. Take off your shoes (or don’t put them on at all) and let’s go. When exactly you do that is up to you. If you want, you can spread the 7 exercises throughout the day. They don’t necessarily have to be done one after the other – which takes less than 15 minutes. Simply use every free slot in your schedule, you don’t need a warm-up.
Exercise 1: Fascia massage of the feet
This exercise involves mobilizing the plantar fascia, which runs under the sole of the foot. “This fascia is connected to the entire back of the body. This means that its mobility influences many other areas such as the back,” says Bremen.
Here’s how to do it: Grab a trigger point ball , tennis ball or simply an apple. Sit down and place your foot in the middle of the circle without a sock. Try out how much pressure you can bear and slowly roll the sole of your foot forward and back. Ouch, does it particularly hurt in one place? Stay there and circle that point until the pain decreases. It can take up to 3 minutes. But if you don’t feel any unpleasant sensations, just 30 seconds per foot is enough.
“The pressure on the connective tissue causes the fluid that has accumulated there to be pushed out like a sponge, taking metabolic waste with it,” explains the expert. New fluid comes in, which keeps the fascia flexible. Tension and pain have no chance – and that applies to the entire back of the body.
What exercises can I do every day to improve mobility?
Bremen only works holistically and attaches great importance to mobility. “Poor posture, including a hunched back and a hollow back, can be significantly reduced through better mobility,” says the sports scientist. And not only will you be in a better position, but you will also have to deal with tension, headaches or back pain less often.

Exercise 2: Worlds Greatest Stretch (Stretching Lunges with Torso Twist)
Practice steps
– Get into the push-up position. Tense your core so that your body forms a straight line.
– Take a large step forward with your right foot and place your right leg next to your right hand. The hands continue to touch the floor. Continue to tense your torso.
– Rotate your upper body to the right so that your right arm points straight up into the air. Return to starting position and repeat on left side.
Exercise 3: Couch stretch
Takes tension out of the front thigh and thus reduces a hollow back
Here’s how to do it: Place a pillow directly in front of a wall and kneel on it with your right knee. Advanced users kneel on a raised platform like a couch, hence the name. The right toes press against the wall or the backrest. At the same time, place your left foot at a right angle in front of the pillow. If you want, you can support yourself with your right hand on a vertical bar, a broom or a fascia roller .
Bend your upper body over your left thigh, your left hand goes to your left ankle. Tense your stomach tightly and raise your upper body vertically. Tense your glutes tightly to avoid falling into a hollow back. Hold the tension for at least 1, better 2 minutes and then change the position of the legs. 1 sentence per page is enough.
Exercise 4: Wall Slides – 7 Exercises to Do Everyday
Straighten the thoracic spine and balance a hunched back
Practice steps-
Stand with your back as close as possible to a wall, with your buttocks and back touching it. Raise your arms to shoulder height and bend them. Forearms point upwards. Press your arms against the wall.
Slowly stretch your arms above your head. Your back and arms remain against the wall. Bring your hands together as far as possible without losing contact with the wall. Return to the starting position.
Tip: You can also do this exercise while sitting in front of the wall or lying down on the floor. However, the steadfast version is best suited for the office – in case your boss drops by unexpectedly. This movement is also a good warm-up for strength training. Unless you want to train your upper body.
Exercise 5: The bow – 7 Exercises to Do Everyday for girl
Stretches the shoulders and thighs, while strengthening the abdominal, back and buttocks muscles, which completely straightens your posture
Here’s how to do it: Lie on your stomach. Bend your lower legs towards your upper body and grab your feet with your hands. Lift your chest and knees off the floor by increasing the pull between your hands and feet. Most of the power comes from the legs. Consciously press your feet against your palms to straighten your upper body as much as possible. Look forward to keep your neck relaxed. Breathe deeply in and out 5 times. Then come back to the prone position and repeat the bow 3 to 5 more times.
Caution: Your calves and hamstrings may cramp the first time you try. Relax these first before starting the next repetition.
Which strength exercises do I do from Monday to Sunday?
Exercises for the butt. Seriously. On the one hand, it’s about pelvic raises – according to Bremen, one of the most effective exercises for the glutes. And it has a very special meaning in the body: “The butt muscles influence the efficiency of all of the body’s essential kinetic chains,” explains the expert. This means: A strong torso, powerful hips, stable knees and ankles are unthinkable without a butt.
The other positive movement is called turning the trunk up on all fours. “This primarily strengthens the muscles of the dorsal kinetic chain, i.e. the lower back and the buttocks,” says Bremen. This allows you to sit up better, which can be enough to make a small tummy in the lower area disappear. On top of that, turning your torso up on all fours improves your sense of balance and your coordination skills – it’s always useful.
Here’s how it works: Ideally, you perform the two strength exercises in a superset. This means that you lift your pelvis 15 times and then immediately perform the twisting of your torso in a quadruped position with 8 repetitions on each side. Only then do you pause for 1 minute and repeat the process 2 to 3 times.
Exercise 6: Pelvic raises – 7 Exercises to Do Everyday at home
Strengthens the gluteal muscles
Lie on your back and bend your legs, feet upright. Place your arms next to your body to stabilize yourself.
Lift your buttocks off the floor and tense. Also tense your core so that your upper body and thighs form a straight line. Hold position briefly. Lower your buttocks again.
Tip: Lie with your upper back on an elevation such as a (training) bench to increase the effect on the glutes and hamstring muscles. For the record, this elevated variation of the pelvic raise is called the hip thruster. And if all this is too easy for you, lift one foot and keep it in the air while performing the exercise.
Exercise 7: Twisting your trunk while standing on all fours
Strengthens the lower back
Get on all fours. Lift your right arm and left knee off the floor. Bring your arm and leg together under your stomach so that your right elbow and left knee touch.
Rotate your upper body so that your right arm points straight up. At the same time, stretch your left leg. Return to starting position. After completing the specified repetitions, swap arm and leg positions.
Tip: If you can’t keep your hips straight in the variant shown here or can’t even reach the extension, extend the working arm forward at shoulder height.
Conclusion: Daily exercise is the basis for effective training
Poor posture and other problems caused by sitting for long periods of time can easily be corrected with a daily dose of exercise. In addition, the 7 daily moves create a basis for effective strength and endurance training – without a single bead of sweat running down your forehead or you having to plan a lot of time.